Bonhof: "I don't agree with everything"

Rainer Bonhof, the coaches had differing opinions after the game against Dortmund on Saturday. Lucien Favre said it was a deserved victory for Dortmund, while Marco Rose said a draw would’ve been a fair result. What was your take on it? Rainer Bonhof: I'd tend to agree with Marco. I think it was exactly like the other game in Dortmund, and the cup match too – a really close match. We played really well and so I was annoyed that we lost again. If we’d have had a bit more luck and a few more decisions had gone our way, it could have turned out differently. Are you referring to the referee and the penalty not being given? Rainer Bonhof: Yes, but not only that. Both of the Dortmund goals came from mistakes that were punished immediately by such a top team. But that's part of football and we'll learn from it. I liked what Marco Rose said in the press conference after the game: we'll get the points somewhere else. The defeat has left Borussia outside the Champions League spots for the first time in weeks... Rainer Bonhof: … we could easily sort that with a win or a draw in the rearranged game against Köln. The game is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, provided the corona virus doesn’t interfere with it. How is the situation here and looking back were you right not to cancel the game against Dortmund? Rainer Bonhof: We followed the recommendations of the health department and the city of Mönchengladbach at the Dortmund game. The attendance has shown that the fans have not been unsettled by the general mood. We will have to do the same with the Köln game. We are in contact with the city, the health department and the Ministry of Health and will see what we are advised to do. On Saturday there were protests against the DFB and against collective penalties from both sets of fans in the stadium. What did you make of it? Rainer Bonhof: The way the fans expressed their opinion this time was fine in my opinion. It was creative and the message was clear and critical, but not hateful and inhumane. But I don't agree with everything. What I didn't like at all were the statements in the Nordkurve about Max Eberl. He was accused of not having the best interests of the fans in mind. Rainer Bonhof:That was probably a reaction to Max’s statements after the last home game against Hoffenheim. I have to say that it hurt me. Max took a stand for Borussia and represented our all opinions. His statement was emotional, but that’s understandable when you have to speak immediately after such a game. I find it embarrassing that he is being insulted by the very same people he was trying to fight for in his original statement. We should all consider ourselves lucky to have a sporting director who works himself to the bone for this club. He has lived and breathed Borussia for many years, longer than some fans who are now upset about what he said. Again: I was embarrassed for them.


Reitz trainiert für einige Tage mit dem EM-Kader

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Rainer Bonhof: „Nehmen einen neuen Anlauf“

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