Jantschke suffers serious facial injury

Tony Jantschke suffered a serious facial injury at training and will be out of action for the foreseeable future.

Bad news for Borussia: Tony Jantschke sustained a midface fracture during Sunday’s training session and will not be able to play for the foreseeable future. The defender, who has played once this season – in a 1-0 win over Borussia Dortmund, has already undergone surgery at the Bethesda hospital in Mönchengladbach. "I would like to take this opportunity to once again wish Tony all the best in his recovery and I hope that he can return as soon as possible," said Hütter at today’s press conference. "But an injury like this obviously takes time to heal. I think he might be able to help us again in the second half of the season, but I cannot imagine that he will be fit again before the new year," he added. 


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