Elvedi: “Be more consistent”

Centre-back Nico Elvedi spoke to the media after the Christmas break. We’ve summarised his answers.

…the training sessions between Christmas and the New Year: I was happy to be back out there after the break. It’s always exciting to be back on the pitch, so I’m pleased to have returned. These training sessions will help us get fit for the second half of the season.

…Switzerland’s World Cup campaign: Our group stage was really strong and we put in three really good performances. We ultimately didn’t play well in the round of 16 and Portugal were excellent. They’ve got a fantastic team.

…training over the winter with the Foals: Our first aim is to work on our fitness and sharpness. I think we’re on the right track. We’ll look to work on the finer things more closely in the New Year.

…the season so far: We’ve definitely got room for improvement. We’ve had some really good games, but also some that haven’t gone very well. We have to try and be more consistent. That’s our aim for the remainder of the season. I’m confident we’ll manage it.

…the return of Ko Itakura and Florian Neuhaus from injury: Ko is an important player for us. Flo’s return is also great. We’re really happy that the pair of them are ready to play again now.

…Borussia’s aims for this season: This team definitely has the quality to fight for Europe. The coach has got us playing the way he wants us to, which is a process and takes time. We’re on the right track and I’m confident we’ll do better in 2023 and have a good second half of the season.


Seoane: “We’re focused on the task ahead of us”

Head coach Gerardo Seoane answered journalists’ questions at the press conference ahead of the Foals’ Bundesliga game against Eintracht Frankfurt on Saturday (15:30 CEST). Here are his most important quotes.


Friedrich: “It’s down to us”

In this interview, Marvin Friedrich speaks about the final two games of the season, his form and the support from the Gladbach fans.


The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition is now open!

The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition opened in the FohlenWelt on Wednesday morning. A film and a wealth of stories and mementos look back on our historic encounters with British teams. Ahead of the exhibition opening to the public, Borussia president Rainer Bonhof, CEO Markus Aretz and former players Wilfried Hannes and Christian Hochstätter were invited to visit.
