Hütter: “We have to show a reaction against Freiburg”

Head coach Adi Hütter and sporting director Max Eberl took questions from the media ahead of Sunday’s home fixture against SC Freiburg (17:30 CET). Read on for the most important segments.

Head coach Adi Hütter on...

...team news: The good news is that, apart from Jordan Beyer, the whole squad is together now. One or two are still working their way towards training fully after injury, so they are training partly alone and partly with the team. Mamadou Doucouré is partially back which is of course very pleasing for all of us, and Chris Kramer was out for a few weeks, longer than Breel Embolo, for example. When we put together the squad, we will of course have to think about every player individually.

...the derby defeat in their last game: Losing a game in the manner that we did against FC Köln is obviously disappointing. Still, we have to differentiate between the result and how we played. When we had control over the game, we then gave it away too easily. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t compare the game in Cologne to the one coming up against Freiburg. First of all, because we are very strong at home, and so far, we have been a different side in Mönchengladbach compared to how we’ve been away from home. After focused analysis of the Köln game at the start of the week, we have been examining Freiburg in detail.

...conceding four in their previous match: In our previous ten games we only conceded seven times, which is a good return. That one game has changed the statistics completely, which is really annoying. It can happen, but going 2-1 down straight after equalising then conceding a third a minute later should not happen to us. It was really tricky after that. We tried everything to get a goal back and opened up a bit at the back, but we still could have defended the goals a lot better.

...the responsibility he takes for the derby defeat: I’ll gladly defend my team. I am the coach and I also said after the game that I take responsibility for the result. Who else would be responsible in a sporting sense? Everyone, including the boys, knows that we didn’t do everything right against Köln, but as a coach, I’ll defend the team in such a situation. That’s important to me. After that result, we now have to show a reaction against Freiburg.

...their next opponents: Apart from the three defeats in their last three games, SC Freiburg have been having an exceptional season. They are a team that is capable of a lot. Given their means, SCF are tactically very disciplined, quick and hardworking. However, they are also flexible in how they build up and with the ball. They often play with three at the back, a defensive midfielder, two number eights, a number ten and three attackers. Moreover, they don't constantly just lumps the ball forward and try to win second balls – they try to play out from the back. Being at home, of course we want to dominate the game, but Freiburg will also be thinking about how they can stop Borussia Mönchengladbach. They are a good team and it’s not for nothing that they are where they are at the moment.

...Freiburg’s coach Christian Streich: We get on well. We have always been respectful with each other during our previous meetings. Christian is doing a brilliant job, he does things his way and the team plays accordingly. Apart from his professional ability, what Christian says is always phenomenal. As a person, he is great figure in German football.

...Denis Zakaria: The importance of his role in the team and the way he plays football goes without saying. As a number six, he is the most obvious choice in the squad because he has all the attributes to play in that position. He scores goals and gets stuck in throughout the full 90 minutes. He has exceptional pace because of his long strides, and footballing-wise he has developed a huge amount since being at Gladbach. His personality is very valuable, he is physical and never stops running. That’s why he is irreplaceable for me at the moment.

...competition for places in midfield: We have a lot of players in the squad. If we had the opportunity to play in various competitions, each player would most definitely make more appearances. For me, it doesn’t make sense to change five or six players every week. Denis Zakaria, Manu Koné and Jonas Hofmann are doing a great job right now. I do regret, however, that some players are not getting the playing time that they want. I am happy to have that level of competition, but it’s not always easy for the individual players.

...the discrepancy in their home and away games: Obviously we have got more points at home than on the road. It’s been like that for a while and we need to sort that out. If we win games at home but then don’t build on that away from BORUSSIA-PARK, it’s going to be a lot more difficult to finish in a position to qualify for European football. The teams ahead of us in the table are also going to get points away from home, so in the future we will need to be ready to do that as well.

Sporting director Max Eberl on...

...reduced capacity: We have to adjust to the new rules. Of course we’re not happy with the latest situation, but we have to come through it together. Nevertheless, we are glad that 15,000 spectators will be in attendance – that’s better than none at all. A full BORUSSIA-PARK produces a special kind of atmosphere and spurs us on, but I hope and am sure that those there will give us just as much support and then we will be successful against Freiburg. Thankfully, nothing has ever happened inside the stadium, Covid-wise, even when more fans were there.

...the sold-out game at 1. FC Köln: It was possible, with all the precautionary measures, to play in front of such a large crowd. We are all trying to do the best we can and doing nothing carelessly. Those with the responsibility at FC Köln gave it a lot of thought. They did nothing that wasn’t allowed and stayed within the rules that the city and the health authorities put in place. Therefore, I won’t criticise them – they did what they were allowed to do.

...contracts due to expire: I’m not nervous. The situation is what it is and couldn’t be any clearer. The boys’ contracts are running out and we are speaking and negotiating with them about it. What I am discussing with them and their agents is well-known. I am fighting, the same way I have fought for this club for 23 years.

Head coach Adi Hütter
Sporting director Max Eberl


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