Foals begin preparing for match against Augsburg

Borussia began training on Tuesday morning in preparation for Saturday's home game (15:30 CET) against FC Augsburg.

Head coach Adi Hütter led his side through a 90-minute session on Tuesday morning on the training ground at BORUSSIA-PARK. Borusssia captain Lars Stindl did not take part, after having suffered a knee ligament injury three weeks ago. "Lars was able to run for a bit today," said Hütter. Christoph Kramer was absent due to testing positive for Covid-19, while Mamadou Doucouré took part in an individual session. "I think that Mams will be able to return to team training tomorrow," said Hütter.

Looking ahead to the upcoming home game against FC Augsburg, which 10,000 spectators will be allowed to attend, Hütter said: "It will be good for our team to have more fans in the stands. They need their support, as it's an important game for us."

The team took part in a 90-minute session on Tuesday.
Ramy Bensebaini and Manu Koné fight for the ball.


Friedrich: “It’s down to us”

In this interview, Marvin Friedrich speaks about the final two games of the season, his form and the support from the Gladbach fans.


The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition is now open!

The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition opened in the FohlenWelt on Wednesday morning. A film and a wealth of stories and mementos look back on our historic encounters with British teams. Ahead of the exhibition opening to the public, Borussia president Rainer Bonhof, CEO Markus Aretz and former players Wilfried Hannes and Christian Hochstätter were invited to visit.


Gladbach head into the week "with extra energy"

The Foals kicked off this week’s training programme on Tuesday morning ahead of their final home game of the season on Saturday (15:30 CEST) against Eintracht Frankfurt.
