“A point won” – post-match reaction to the 2-2 draw vs. Wolfsburg

Hear from Yann Sommer, Jonas Hofmann and head coaches Adi Hütter and Florian Kohfeldt after today’s 2-2 draw against VfL Wolfsburg.

Yann Sommer: It was definitely a point won for us, in my opinion. Both teams attacked often in the first half, although we were a bit too lax in defence. We gave it everything in the second half, although the red card certainly played into our hands as well. We showed great spirit, lots of energy and deserved the equaliser. It’s too bad that it wasn’t enough for a win in the end.

Jonas Hofmann: We really threw ourselves into the game today, ran hard and had some good link-up play. In the end, we would have deserved to win 3-2. We definitely earned that point, and the team showed a great reaction after going 2-0 down. Of course we would have rather won the game, but in the end, every point matters. We were missing that little bit of luck tonight.

Head coach Adi Hütter: It was a top quality game, with several controversial moments for both sides. The two goals we conceded shouldn’t have happened, and we need to defend better in those moments. We were really lucky just before the break, as Wolfsburg could have made it 3-1. The lads fought back after falling behind and played some great football. We should have won the game, seeing as we were a man up, but unfortunately we didn’t manage that. Despite that, the team delivered a very passionate performance. The way in which they fought back to earn a point gives me confidence for our upcoming games.

Head coach Florian Kohfeldt (VfL Wolfsburg): In my opinion, we played well when it was 11 vs. 11, even if we didn’t always manage to get stuck in the way we wanted to. We should have made it 3-1 just before the break, and there were several attacks that we failed to convert. There were three controversial moments in the second half. I think it was a clear penalty that should have been given on Kruse, and then there was a clear foul on Lacroix before the red card. There was also a foul on Roussillon before Ginter’s disallowed goal. Overall, it was a bit unlucky for us. We fought hard until the end, all while being a man down, and will take a deserved point home with us.

Jonas Hofmann.


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