Elvedi misses out as training gets underway

Borussia began a shortened week of preparation on Tuesday morning, as they readied themselves for Friday night’s fixture away to VfL Bochum (20:30 CET).

The Foals will kick off matchday 27 in the Bundesliga as they travel to VfL Bochum this Friday night. “I’m expecting an intense game in Bochum, which we’ll have to be ready for. If we perform like we did in the first half against Hertha, we’ll have a good chance,” said assistant coach Christian Peintinger, who continues to step in for the self-isolating Adi Hütter. Borussia began their shortened week of preparation for the trip to Bochum on Tuesday, with Peintinger finishing his analysis of the Hertha game before sending the squad out for a near 90-minute session on the pitches at BORUSSIA-PARK.

Two absences from training today were head coach Hütter and Nico Elvedi. The defender was not present this morning due to a positive Lateral Flow test result – the result from his PCR test will return shortly. Also missing from the whole squad’s training session were Mamadou Doucouré (muscle issues) and Jonas Hofmann (minor muscle strain). Whilst ‘Mams’ completed an individual session, ‘Hoffi’ was able to take part in some jogging work.

For the rest of the Foals, there are two more sessions on the cards. Both tomorrow’s sessions and the final session on Thursday before heading to Bochum will be held behind closed doors at BORUSSIA-PARK.

Assistant coach Christian Peintinger.


Seoane: “We’re focused on the task ahead of us”

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Friedrich: “It’s down to us”

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The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition is now open!

The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition opened in the FohlenWelt on Wednesday morning. A film and a wealth of stories and mementos look back on our historic encounters with British teams. Ahead of the exhibition opening to the public, Borussia president Rainer Bonhof, CEO Markus Aretz and former players Wilfried Hannes and Christian Hochstätter were invited to visit.
