The Ukraine national team have arrived at BORUSSIA-PARK

The Ukraine national team arrived in Mönchengladbach on Tuesday afternoon and will be staying at the H4 hotel at Borussia-8-Grad. This is in preparation for tomorrow’s friendly between Gladbach and Ukraine at BORUSSIA-PARK (20:45).

Tomorrow’s friendly is of dual importance for the Ukraine national team. It isn’t only their first game since the outbreak of war, but it is also important preparation ahead of their World Cup play-off match against Scotland. Oleksandr Petrakov’s side flew from Ljubljana in Slovenia to Düsseldorf on Tuesday and were greeted at the airport by The Foals’ team bus, in which they travelled to the H4 hotel. They will be based there until Thursday.

After Oleksandr Petrakov’s official press conference, which is due to take place at 18:30 on Tuesday evening, the team will take part in a training session inside BORUSSIA-PARK. There is also a light training session scheduled on Wednesday morning, before the friendly in the evening, which is due to kick off at 20:45.

Tickets for the game are still available online. Tickets in the standing areas are €7.50 and are €15.00 in the seated areas. All tickets for supporters under the age of 18 are five Euros. For Ukrainians with a Ukrainian passport, there is the possibility to enter the stadium for free. Please select the discount "Free ticket for Ukrainians" in the purchase process. Please show your passport at the stadium entrance. 

The club are working in close collaboration with the Ukrainian Association of Football and all proceeds from the match will go towards helping those affected by the war in Ukraine. Those who cannot make it to the game can also watch the match online. Donations to help those affected by the war can also be made by bank transfer to this account: IBAN DE11 4401 0046 0190 0134 68, with the reference “borussiahilft Ukraine.”


Friedrich: “It’s down to us”

In this interview, Marvin Friedrich speaks about the final two games of the season, his form and the support from the Gladbach fans.


The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition is now open!

The limited-time “Borussia and the Brits” exhibition opened in the FohlenWelt on Wednesday morning. A film and a wealth of stories and mementos look back on our historic encounters with British teams. Ahead of the exhibition opening to the public, Borussia president Rainer Bonhof, CEO Markus Aretz and former players Wilfried Hannes and Christian Hochstätter were invited to visit.


Gladbach head into the week "with extra energy"

The Foals kicked off this week’s training programme on Tuesday morning ahead of their final home game of the season on Saturday (15:30 CEST) against Eintracht Frankfurt.
