Borges Sanches’ debut jersey hung up in the tunnel

Yvandro Borges Sanches has become the 29th player to have his shirt put up on display at the BORUSSIA-PARK. The newly hung up jersey was worn by Sanches in his first game for the Foals against Oberachern.

Yvandro Borges Sanches has been bestowed with a great honour. The 18-year-old forward has had his jersey, with the number 38, hung up in the tunnel in the tunnel at the BORUSSIA-PARK. He wore the shirt in his debut for Gladbach in the first round of the DFB-Pokal against SV Oberachern – a 9-1 victory about  two-and-a-half months ago. “Of course, I am very happy. Having come here two years ago, this was my exact goal. To have now achieved it makes me very proud,” said Borges Sanches.

Borges Sanches is the 29th Borussia youngster to progress from the academy and make their Bundesliga  debut for the club since the side moved to the new stadium in 2004. “I have always spoken to my friends about this. We have been since saying: “Imagine your shirt is hung there one day.” Now, it’s really there,” says the Luxembourg native. “It is a fantastic feeling. I am very proud to have this honour bestowed upon me. That is something that will stay with me forever.”

“A special atmosphere” for his home debut against Köln

The youngster, who signed for Gladbach from Racing Luxembourg’s youth department in summer 2020, make his Bundesliga debut on matchday six against Freiburg (0-0), when he was subbed on in the 82nd minute for Nathan Ngoumou. In the derby against Köln (5-2), he made his home league debut. “It was a special atmosphere. I couldn’t have imagined any better than playing in front of 50,000 fans at the BORUSSIA-PARK. That was indescribable,” says Borges Sanches, who came on in the 78th minute in the Köln clash – and has now got his eyes on further minutes: “I’m only at the start. I want to keep working hard in training, further my personal development and then get some more playing time.”

Nicolas also enjoys the honour

Moritz Nicolas' jersey has now also been hung up in the tunnel at the BORUSSIA-PARK - but not by him personally: the keeper is currently playing on loan for Dutch second-division club Roda Kerkrade. Like Borges Sanches, he also made his debut for the Foals in the first round of the DFB-Pokal at SV Oberachern. He is therefore number 28 in the Gladbach dressing room.

A special moment: Borges Sanches made his first team debut for Gladbach against SV Oberachern.
Moritz Nicolas also made his professional debut against Oberarchern - entrusted between the sticks in the first round DFB-Pokal clash.
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„Besondere Atmosphäre“ beim Heimdebüt gegen Köln

Der Youngster, der im Sommer 2020 aus dem Nachwuchs von Racing Luxemburg an den Niederrhein gewechselt war, kam am sechsten Spieltag in Freiburg (0:0) zudem zu seinem Bundesligadebüt, als er in der 82. Minute für Nathan Ngoumou eingewechselt wurde. Beim Derby gegen Köln (5:2) durfte er erstmals im heimischen Stadion für die Fohlen ran. „Das war eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre. Ich kann mir nichts Besseres vorstellen, als vor 50.000 Fans im BORUSSIA-PARK zu spielen. Das war unbeschreiblich“, sagt Borges Sanches, der im Duell mit den Geißböcken in der 78. Minute als Joker ins Spiel kam - und sich persönlich bereits die nächsten Ziele gesteckt hat: „Ich stehe gerade ganz am Anfang, möchte dementsprechend im Training Gas geben und werde weiter hart arbeiten, um mich persönlich weiterzuentwickeln und zudem weitere Spielminuten sammeln.“

Nicolas reiht sich ebenfalls ein

Auch das Trikot von Moritz Nicolas wurde inzwischen im Kabinengang des BORUSSIA-PARK aufgehangen – allerdings nicht von ihm persönlich: Der Keeper spielt momentan auf Leihbasis für den niederländischen Zweitligisten Roda Kerkrade. Wie Borges Sanches feierte auch er in der ersten DFB-Pokalrunde beim SV Oberachern sein Debüt für die FohlenElf. Er ist somit die Nummer 28 im Gladbacher Kabinengang. 


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