“My chef drove me to my rehabilitation” - Itakura’s unique road to recovery.

Ko Itakura is back to fitness after his knee injury. According to the Japan international, “being patient” and the support of “important” people around him were paramount. Here we take a look at how the 25-year-old came back from his lengthy spell on the sidelines.

In the build-up to Gladbach’s final game before the winter break against Dortmund, Daniel Farke had a decision to make. “Ko is fit again and we’re considering naming him in the matchday squad. Psychologically, it’s always good to include players of Ko’s quality,” explained the head coach. Although Itakura wasn’t a candidate for the starting XI and a “cameo appearance” was the only possibility, being named in the squad would give the Japan international a “confidence boost” ahead the World Cup.

Farke made the call and after his lengthy spell on the sidelines following his knee injury in September, Itakura made his comeback at BORUSSIA-PARK on 11th November. The 25-year-old started on the bench but he was brought on for Manu Koné in the 88th minute and thus played his own part in the Foals’ sixth home win of the season. This, along with Gladbach’s 4-2 win, was Ko’s reward for his tough period of rehabilitation.

The cook that went the extra mile

“It was a very hard time for me, but that’s normal. As an athlete you always want to play but when you can’t because you’re body doesn’t allow it, it’s not a nice feeling,” explained Itakura. According to the defender, Borussia coach Jonas Rath played a particularly important role in helping him through this difficult time: “I of course wanted to get back as soon as possible, but Jonas told me to keep patient and take my time. Our work together and our conversations helped me a lot.”

But it wasn’t just Jonas Rath who was there for Itakura. His friends and the people around him also played their part: “My friends often visited me at home and we ate together and discussed things.” Kota Ikeda, Ko’s personal chef, played a vital role: “He drove me to rehab every day and cooked me meals that were rich in protein and collagen, which contributed to the recovery of the ligaments. I am very grateful for that.”

The comeback

The emotional support from his teammates, coupled with his own determination, helped Itakura get back on the pitch before the winter break. Daniel Farke’s call to include him in the squad against BVB was also an important factor.

“I desperately wanted to get back on the pitch one more time before the World Cup. It was really important for me personally and for my mentality. I’m therefore really grateful to the head coach.” Itakura was given an incredible reception as he came into the pitch. He was welcomed with a standing ovation and to chants of “Itakura, Itakura.” According to the defender, it was a moving moment: “The reception was really emotional after the tough rehabilitation period. I was overjoyed.”

Valuable game time at the World Cup

That was the moment when Itakura was rewarded for all of his hard work, patience and endurance on the sidelines. The defender went on to reach the round of 16 with Japan at the World Cup and the minutes he got under his belt allowed him to rediscover his rhythm and to get back to 100%. This will prove invaluable as he will look to find his form with Borussia in the second half of the Bundesliga season.

Jonas Rath played a crucial role in Itakura's recovery.
Ko Itakura was moved by his reception against BVB.


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Four Borussia players hoping to be involved in international action and Koné named in provisional Olympic squad

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