"We're over the moon" - Bayern match reaction

Florian Neuhaus, Yann Sommer and both head coaches react to Borussia's stunninig 3-2 win against FC Bayern Munich.

Florian Neuhaus: "I handled the ball for the penalty. It was a stupid and unfortunate moment from me. But for that, I’m even more delighted that I could put things right with my goal. We didn’t start so well initially, but after their second goal we had nothing to lose. We wanted to be braver after that. We went for it, won the ball high up and transitioned quickly. That’s exactly how we wanted to play. Jonas Hofmann made two brilliant runs and scored two goals. He also played the ball into me for my goal. We’re over the moon to have won."

Yann Sommer: "They are three really important points against a world-class team. To come from 2-0 down and win against FC Bayern is evidence of our incredible mentality. We scored three great goals and they came about exactly as we had planned. We knew that Bayern defend high and we took advantage of that well. After taking the lead, we fought like crazy to get the win over the line. We’re very happy with the win and will take the good feeling into the next games."

Head coach Marco Rose: "I’m delighted for the boys, they deserve the win. In so many games, we’ve lacked that little bit of luck. Today we created that for ourselves.  We were 2-0 down early on, without Bayern playing us off the park. Both goals were unfortunate. But in any case, we offered too little until that point and weren’t brave enough in the early phase. The first goal back was so important, it gave us renewed strength. And then sometimes in football it just goes like that. I think, overall, we deserved the win. That match is a sign that we must keep at it!"

FC Bayern head coach Hansi Flick: "Gladbach were very efficient and brutally punished three mistakes from us. We played good football and controlled the game for the first half an hour. Then small mistakes, like losing the ball, decided the game. We had some bad passages of play and didn’t make good decisions. The individual errors hurt us a lot because they were all punished. After we went behind, we couldn’t come back as we would have liked. Gladbach made things very tight and were superb in their transitions. We weren’t able to turn a 2-0 lead into a win. Despite that, you have to say that we started well and the defeat is on us."


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